Originally posted on DeccanHerald.com Official Website | News | Last updated on 05/11/2019
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Punchy Store becomes one of the fastest growing fashion shops on Instagram. Basketball player and fashion enigma Mohamed Hassan A Mohamed, known to the public by stage name Mizo Amin, launches his brand Punchy Store in October 2019, in Qatar. The retailer, which is becoming part of Qatar’s fastest growing new business online, announced its launch at maiden stores last Wednesday.

“I am happy to announce that Punchy Store is coming to Qatar,” said Executive Director and CEO Mizo Amin. “My brand allows you to express yourself and show the world your own taste in fashion.”
The store launch in Qatar will help fuel the retailer’s online strategy as it tries to grow into an established brand name like Spain’s Zara or Swedish H&M retails, in order to sell more apparel globally.
“The opening of our first store, Punchy Store, is a significant step in my life because it marks a milestone in my global strategy,” Mizo noted. “Punchy Store does not just benefit me or the people of my company, it honestly benefits customers foremost since it rolls out a new style of services that is geared with and intelligent edge-cutting technologies and lots of creativity.”

The first time the retailer announced setting up the store in a launch market was via an Instagram post from Amin’s personal account, where the post’s caption read “Given the size and vast growth of the online market, I think it is time to make a physical launch to be able to offer live-wear to as an option to as many people as possible. Please look forward for the Launch in October,” Amin wrote.
Other Instagram posts noted that the store brings its full collection for women, men, kids and infants in all sizes and colors. Even though, the format is different in nature than its competitors in the market. The retailer also shared a preview collection through a number of other posts, which received lots of loves and purchase pre-order requests from die-hard fans.

An estimated preview was shared by the company’s Instagram account, where it stated that there is a $2500 worth of t-shirts for women and men that were priced between $ and $. Its iconic designs regarding hoodies and vests are a little more on the expensive side, however, the company wrote that it would not facilitate sales for now.
Commenting on its pricing strategy, Mizo added that the retailer is within the regular pricing markers for Qatar, especially for the quality it provides.
“We have to do our best about prices, but based on our quality, I have confidence that the consumer will not find it expensive or out of value,” Mizo said. “Of course, we know maybe our price point is slightly more expensive than the local market, but at the same time, we have confidence that once they buy it, they won’t be let down.”
Nationally, Punchy Store is definitely on the rise in markets, as the brand’s population is steadily growing between the youth on social media websites. This makes everyone on edge, waiting for it to launch this October at local shopping malls.